Advocare Slim & Trim™ – Improve your body Composition in 2022!
Looking to trim up in the new year? Then AdvoCare new line the Slim & Trim™ that could be what you have been looking for there are two options to choose from the 28day option as well as the 14 day option available. If you choose the 28 day option then while supplies last you could receive a free ice shaker bottle. If you act now and order your Slim & Trim™ you can qualify for FREE shipping through January 15th 2019. So act fast to get a great deal to start out your new year. ** This sweet offer has been extended! The Free shipping and Shaker bottle offer will last now until March 5th!!!! So get your orders in now! ***
Before you order know that you can receive a discount on your order by signing up as either a Preferred Customer which is $19.95 and you will receive a 20% discount on your order or you can sign up as a Distributor which is approximately $59 and gives you a 20% discount but also gives you the opportunity to increase your discount up to 40% if you choose to grow your business while earning income. Also by signing up and getting a discount you will receive a nice welcome package with some great goodies that you will enjoy.
If you live in either the United States or Canada please contact me and we can get you started on your way to a healthier you today.